Zekkyou Gakkyuu Wiki
Mika Oobashi
Gender Female
Appearance Extra Class: Colorful Strawberry
Fate Alive

Mika Oobashi is the protagonist of Colorful Strawberry.



A little girl with short hair usually worn up in pigtails with cute, bunny-shaped baubles. Her bangs and forelocks frame her big rounded eyes. She wears casual clothing, usually with cute designs.


Mika adores her mother and they are very close, so she strongly dislikes anything that would separate them, such as her pregnancy. She wasn't looking forward to having a baby sibling. Her grandmother accuses her of being spoiled, she saw nothing wrong with using the strawberry for her personal gain.


It's been a week since her mom went to the hospital, and Mika is impatiently waiting for her to return. She hasn't been having much fun with her grandma and spoiled dog, Maloney, who tears apart her stuffed animals without a care. One day while eating she comes across a spooky-looking white strawberry, and when she returns to her plate she discovers the vegetables she didn't eat have vanished. She also sees the strawberry has turned green.

The following morning she wakes up to her frantic grandma searching for her missing dog. Spotting a trail of blood, Mika follows it to the fridge to discover the strawberry turned red, and it's covered in blood. Determining that it was its doing, in that it disposed of things she didn't like, Mika somehow got it to eat her grandmother. Then she went to the hospital to present the strawberry to her mom as a gift for the baby.



