Zekkyou Gakkyuu Wiki
Yuina Miyakawa
Gender Female
Appearance Period 22: The Land Of Mermaids
Fate Deceased

Yuina Miyakawa is one of  Nana and Hatsuki's classmates in the 22nd period of the series. She is a beautiful young girl that is highly admired for her developing figure.



Yuna is described as being cute with a thin, but decent-sized bust for a middle school girl. She has big eyes with many lashes and short hair that frames her face and ends just above her chest. Her bangs are layered and mostly brushed to the corner.


Yuina appears to be nice and humbled by the attention she is given by both girls and boys.


One day during swim class she and her friends are chatting as Nana observes them from the pool. She is complimented by many classmates when one girl brings up the rumor regarding the Land of Mermaids, which Yuina assumes is a manga. It's explained that one day, some years back a girl vanished in the pool and it was theorized she resurfaced sometime later, more beautiful as she was taken to the underwater paradise that mermaids inhabit. They only bring the most beautiful there, and they are sure Yuina would have no problem being chosen by them. She would probably become a model by the time she resurfaced.

While listening to this, Yuina notices Nana seems to be observing them but she quickly hides beneath the water. Class ends and everyone returns to class, with the exception of Yuina, who claims to have forgotten something while they were changing. Nobody can find her and her frightened friends are asked questions by the school staff.

At the end of the story when Nana discovers the "mermaids" are a chain of girls who were dragged beneath the water, she finds Hatsuki and Yuina.



